Friday, February 2, 2007

Literary Critic - "We Wear the Mask"

In “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar, he conveys the idea that certain people put on a mask as a front. I read this my junior year, but what I have never really understood, is if the people who wear the mask put on the front purposely or if others just see them in a certain way and put that mask on them. It may be true in both cases. Many seem to believe that this poem is a reference to African-Americans, because of their own struggles and negative experience in the past that they have undergone. However I feel that the author does not just focus on a certain race or a certain type of person or people, which may be somewhat unclear. Obviously the mask is a bad thing as the author says, “We wear the mask that grins and lies.” Furthermore the author doesn’t have any problems conveying to the reader or audience that the mask is a facade. I also understand that whoever wears the mask is a victim of some torment or unfair treatment guile as he says, “with torn and bleeding hearts we smile.” Lastly, the author expresses in a religious sense that even though some may not see others behind their own mask, God sees all. God sees the many who suffer and also the people who try to get away with their harmful treatment towards others. I also feel that the rhythm of the poem is just right, and makes the poem stand out and easier to catch on to and possibly memorize.


Steve said...

This is awesome work, I have never actually read your writing and now I have. You have really thought about this poem and it’s obvious that you have a tight grasp on the meaning of poem. I especially like the idea of the God and his role in the poem.

Great Job!

Lady G said...

Your response to the poem is very insightful and clear. I want to attempt toa answer one of the questions you raised about whether the people were the mask on purpose or if they are seen in a certain way. I argue that in this poem they wear it on purpose. This poem was written during the time when Blacks were being oppressed. The mask is a metaphor for their feelings. They had to fake being happy and caring in front of the white folk because that was expected of them. Think about it...

Good Job though