Friday, February 2, 2007

Personal Response - "Everything... is done in a circle"

In “Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle" by Black Elk, the poet conveys the idea that nature and life moves in circles; furthermore, this was a belief by many Native Americans. I understand that he had related to the idea when he saw two hawks circle him after he had a stroke. Throughout the poem he constantly explains how certain everyday things are in circles. Examples can be the earth, birds’ nests, and, the life of man. After reading this poem, I can connect it to my own life because the poem is true. Everything explain in the poem is done in a circle, but I feel that there is deeper meaning to this poem. Specifically, I read the last two lines, and was somewhat confused when he had said, “From childhood to childhood” but after reading it over and deep thought, I understood his point. I understand that it was a good way to end the poem because life maybe the most important aspect to him after what he has undergone. When he ends the poem with those last two lines I think about my own life, and I also think about how humans constantly reproduce in our own world that we live in, and many other organisms reproduce also. He also explains how when he encountered the hawks he saw the good and the bad in his life and he knows that even thought we go through those experiences we continue to live through them. I agree, and I feel that my life and everybody’s life is the same way. If I were to add an aspect to this poem I would have mentioned, time, school, and work because time always seems to continue in the same pattern and we use time to go through a daily schedule at work and school.

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