Friday, February 16, 2007

if i love You by e.e cummings – Personal Response

S: A man who cares for a lady
O: Dreaming
A: the one he loves
P: to express his feeling to her (to be with her)
S: Love will turn into reality
Tone: emotional

In my opinion, I love how the E.E. Cummings structures this poem. This poem is small but can relate to my own life and also others lives. I notice how the only words that he capitalizes in the whole poem are “You” and “Flowers.” I think that this shows the comparison of beauty, and he’s trying to portray the resemblance in beauty and possibly smell of the woman who he seeks for in life. We all seek for someone in life. Currently, I have someone in my life that I care for a lot. Another structural element he uses in order to intertwine both perspectives of him and his love, we the use of parentheses and line breaks. I see both of them believing the same thing, which is very interesting. If you take what’s in the parentheses it almost seems as if he believes what she believes also and vice versa. Furthermore, he is trying to convey the idea that if they are not together, then his and her own relationship will only be in a world full of dreams for the both of them. Furthermore, the last stanza represents their connection coming into a real world and representing the beauty of the sky, clouds, and possibly heaven if looked at from a religious sense. I feel that this connects to me and everyone else because he’s writing this to say that if you have feelings for someone or love someone then why not go for it, because if you wait or hold back then you’ll only have them in your dreams and not reality. As for structural elements I see a lot of assonance with the use of “ly” at the end of many words in the poem, and it really gives a connection between lines and makes the poem sound more fluent to the ear.

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