Sunday, January 28, 2007

"What It Do" verse 1 by Lupe Fiasco

I saw it on TV, I was told to buy a CD
The CD told me buy a TV
The TV that I bought came with a CD that said go and buy the DVD
The DVD that I bought came with a CD
which was the DVD of the makin' of the TV, that I saw
Which told me to go and buy the CD in the first place, wait nah
I put the DVD in the TV so you can see what I saw
But wait, it's a CD so you can't see me, odd
Maybe I should just come out on DVD like CB, far
With mad special effects and maybe a CG, car
To ride around in on your TV
Bumpin' the CD that I got when I copped the TV
Which is the same TV in my car


Timo said...

Mo, this is cool. In a way it is really funny. It seems like the author of the poem is trying to lose the mind of the reader. While I was reading it, I got a little joy from following that the author was trying to tell. I remember talking to you about this poem earlier, how come again you did not copy the whole thing down? I like to know the rest of the autor's poem. If it becomes a burden could you just tell me how it ends? I know it wouild be funny. I know this, because it started out funny, so it should end funny.

AD said...

Mo this is cool, but you should share your voice. You have the ability to amaze people with the hidden knowledge you possess so do it. Stop being lazy...

Stacy said...

Hey Mo, it's Stacy (freshman Word Lit. student teacher who wrote too many comments on your personal statement for LMU). Just wanted to say that my brother listens to Lupe Fiasco nonstop (he's a junior in h.s.), and he would appreciate that you included this verse on your poetry blog. :)

Zaquis said...

I dont really understand this verse but i am sure that there is some really big under the surface big meaning that you intended for other people to get, but slowness gets me sometimes!!!!!


twinkie14 said...

Wuzz up Mo well this is the comment i should have posted the first time it was due but i didnt instead i talk to you about it. I like the fact that you included this verse by LUPE FIASCO because its different and his music is also very different. Although it took me awhile to understand it. I feel that it is a good entry. NICE JOB