Sunday, January 28, 2007

"What It Do" verse 1 by Lupe Fiasco

I saw it on TV, I was told to buy a CD
The CD told me buy a TV
The TV that I bought came with a CD that said go and buy the DVD
The DVD that I bought came with a CD
which was the DVD of the makin' of the TV, that I saw
Which told me to go and buy the CD in the first place, wait nah
I put the DVD in the TV so you can see what I saw
But wait, it's a CD so you can't see me, odd
Maybe I should just come out on DVD like CB, far
With mad special effects and maybe a CG, car
To ride around in on your TV
Bumpin' the CD that I got when I copped the TV
Which is the same TV in my car

Poetry vs. Poetic Language

In my own definition, poetry is somewhat of an art. It is a way one can express themselves from their own mind, life experiences, or feelings. I don't think poetry has to be honest, but it definitely should be true to oneself. Poetry doesn't necessarily have to have a definite form or structure. I feel that many different poets incorporate many different structures and styles into their own writing. Poetic language does not have to be written in prose. It can be used in many different types of writing, like novels, speeches, and essays. Poetic language uses many different devices such as similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeias, and alliteration. Lastly, I forgot to mention that poetry does not have to have a certain rhyme pattern; I just think that many people believe poetry has to rhyme but there are many great poems that do not rhyme.